Saturday, November 20, 2010

Does better late than never work out here?

I know, I know, you've been waiting anxiously for my post, but TBM and I were on the road.  It's hard to get WiFi in a moving care the middle of nowhere.  But here it is, I hope it's been worth your wait.

Witless Exposition says: Later today I'll be getting whatever magic pills are supposed to help me with this whole body revolting against me syndrome.  But so far this week, without them I've been able to "loose" roughly three pounds this week.

I've eaten pretty close to how Tricky eats when he's at a buffet, but better than when he's with his family.  Even though there were some days where my food intake was pretty abysmal, I've been very focused on the missing magic ingredient to the healthy living mix:


Yes, TBM and I have joined the fat ass gym (AKA Planet Fitness) and have gone each day for a week.  Every day I've been able to push myself a little further. And each day the urge to die while on that damned Elliptical machine has faded. 

And the biggest surprise of all?  I've actually enjoyed myself.  I've slept better and been less tired this week than I have in months (I actually slept for 6 hours straight last night, which is a big deal for me).  I guess this whole exercise thing actually is good for me.

Although, I have found one part of the gym that creeps me out:  watching the weightlifters stare at themselves while doing reps.  It makes me feel dirty, as if I'm watching them masturbate.  Really, really icky.

So, I'm starting to get in my ducks in a row, even though I haven't gotten on the water bandwagon yet.  There is just a limit to how much water I can take in a day.  Maybe a dash of tequila would help?

Tricky Fish says:  Oh man, I completely agree with you on the weight lifters.  They stare at themselves longingly.  It's horrible, and what's worse, is that it causes me to stare at them like I am some sort of voyeur.  You sit there thinking, "What's going on in their heads?  Are they that attracted to themselves that they just stare in the mirror for an hour?"  I mean they really seem to get off on that.  Then, inevitably, they will make eye contact with you through the mirror.  And you just KNOW that they think that you are staring at them because you are attracted and envy them, when in fact you have to believe that their like is a steroid and testosterone filled mad house featuring battered women, and shrunken testicles.

And then you think, "actually, that doesn't sound that bad..."

Anyway, here is my (honestly) inspirational video of the day, he is the brother of one of my favorite writers of today, and has his own weight loss blog.  He has lost 220 pounds as of this video.  I would love to lose 220 pounds, except that all that would be left of we would be 6 toes and an elbow.

And here is his blog, unfortunately his blog starts when he was already on a pretty successful diet, and that's no fun.  You want to show people you can make it through the most painful parts, like when it takes you a month to lose 2 pounds, and 12 minutes to eat 6 pounds of spaghetti.


  1. the weightlifters are looking in the mirror to make sure their technique/posture is both safe and conducive to getting the ideal definition from what they are doing.

  2. I'm not really sure you're understanding of exactly what we're doing here is fully formed. We're all fully aware of the reasoning behind the mirrors, but honestly...those looks are a little too longing.

  3. no need to get nasty. im not one of the blogging blobs so i should have reader immunity from bitchy comments.

  4. You think that was nasty? And just an FYI...No one has immunity.

  5. fair enough. im just saying i do, in fact, understand the premise of this blog. i just kind of got the impression that you really were confused about the looking in the mirror, which wouldnt surprise me since apparently this is the first time any of you ever set foot in a gym.
