Monday, December 20, 2010

A short one, but still not as short as Bret's...

TBM Says: 272 bitches!!  Apparently last week's measurement was a bit flawed.  I jumped on the scale again later that day and found that I was actually down to 275.  Now I'm down another 3 pounds.  I'm really hoping that by next week I'll see the 260's.

I'm pretty excited about the prospect.  I missed a couple of days at the gym for some social engagements and a couple of late work days, but I've managed to stick to my diet and even managed to stay well under my allotted 1800 calorie regimen.

Lorraine Says: I'm still not quite clear on what happened last week. Were you thinking fat? Was the Wife stepping on the edge of the scale to throw you off your game? Were you dipping into Lily's liquor stash and thus too trashed to properly read the numbers off the scale? Did an Ethiopian follow you home and sit on the scale?
I feel like we need explanations.
Congrats on the losing weight, you know, while not really sticking to your work out rotuine. I feel like we set an amazing example for fatties and children everywhere.
And by "we" I mean you people who are still losing weight.

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