Thursday, December 16, 2010


Lorraine Says: This has been one of my best weeks since this all started. I'm doing well about eating before I'm dying, I'm still drinking lots of water, and my stomach has apparently shrunk - it takes a lot less to make me full than it did before.

I know, I know. I'm amazing. But just so I don't give you all inferiority complexes, I'll just tell you about how flippin' cold it's been lately. And by cold I mean 30's-40's-50's. This to me is torture. I'm not prepared for the cold. I don't want to be prepared for the cold. I am not amused by this dip in temperatures.

It's like I'm cold blooded. Something about the cooler temps makes me want to go into a lizard-coma. Getting out of bed is a mission. Getting out of the house is a bigger mission. Staying active at all? Mission impossible.

So while with each passing weeks I'm gaining significant ground in my quest to not eat like a third grader, I have yet to get my proposed active lifestyle off the ground.

Also, my scale is totally defective. I have no idea where I actually stand with weight so until I buy a new one (today at lunch? Maybe.) we'll be happy to cheer my new eating habits on. Not too loudly, though. I'll probably be napping.

Mini-Sausage Bret Says: Who cares about your stomach.  Did anything else shrink?

Lorraine Says: Aaaand now my mind is off with me to the land of your shrunken sausage.

Size matters, guys. Size totally matters.

Lily Says: It even matters with imaginary girlfriends.

The Wife Says: If Bret shows you "proof" of his girlfriend, don't believe him.

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