Friday, December 10, 2010

A little off balance

Witless Exposition says: 
This has been a straight down the middle type of week. No really huge setbacks, but no real milestones either. I've lost about 1/2 a pound this week, but I'm not fully claiming it because my weight has fluctuated a lot this week.

The Bear and I got back on our exercise regimen, only missing one day so far this week. I'm pleased with it overall, because while the circuit room kicked my ass yesterday (the first time I had done circuit since before Thanksgiving), I can tell that I'm making headway with the elliptical. I can go much longer without having to stop, and when I do stop it's to drink.

I'll never be coordinated enough to be able to drink water and do the elliptical at the same time. It'd be really embarrassing to get choked on water in a gym full of people. They'd probably think I was having a heart attack or choking on a ham sandwich and try and give me the Heimlich or something.

I've also started using an app on my phone to track calorie intake and output from exercising. I'm averaging around 1500 calories a day when I skip breakfast and 1400 when I eat breakfast. I really need to make myself eat something in the morning. Either way though, with the exercise, I'm still under the calorie limit so I should, in theory, start losing weight pretty soon.

The biggest thing that's helped out this week, was I made a list of healthy breakfasts, lunches, and snacks. When I'm hungry and don't have a meal planned like we do with dinner, I just eat random stuff, and it's usually not a very good combination. This way, I can look and see several options and pick what sounds good that day.

I guess I'm still at the point where positive change is enough, but I'm really looking forward to when I can see a steady improvement in the gym and eating styles.

TBM says:
We had to skip that day at the gym...I had a new video game and it NEEDED to be played. Needed!!!

Lorraine says:
I thought I was the only one who struggled to drink water on the elliptical. In general, I'm holding on the whole time I'm on it. I see people who have their hands free, or like sway them like they are jogging, or read a book, or knit a scarf. No. None of that is going on while I'm on an elliptical because I know the moment I let go, I'm going to fall off.

And Bear, just say it was your Wii Fit. Bret gets away with that all the time.

Lily says:
Knitting on an elliptical?! WTF?! I can barely get on one, let alone do anything else on it.

Lorraine says:
I may have exaggerated the knitting part in my extreme jealousy of anyone who is fit and/or coordinated enough to drink water while on the elliptical.

Fishy boy Bret says:
I never drink water when I work out. Never. Considering I often get egregiously sweaty twisting Oreo's apart, the last thing I need is water flying all over me while I try to line up mouth and bottle in the same spot. There is no need for increased liquid cascading over anything I come in contact with. I guarantee you no one uses exercise equipment after I'm done with it. I believe they bury it in a desert in Arizona.

I've been reading that because of the weight of muscle, when you start working out you won't see any difference in pounds, only in body shape. However, just to maintain muscled your body burns something like 250 calories a day for every pound of muscle and 2 for every pound of fat (I'll look up the exact numbers later), so you will be able to catch up quickly. And hopefully find a better looking husband. Such as a platypus.

Lily says:
It's friday bret, where is this "blog" you were supposed to be writing..

I dont think i would want to use anything you have used.

Fishy boy Bret says:
I actually was considering almost writing it today. So there.

Lily says:

TBM says:
I've always said I married up.

Lily says:
Fishy dog is just mad that his girlfriend is imaginary.

Witless Exposition says:
And made of sausage.

Lily says:
hahaha I forgot! That too. :)

1 comment:

  1. lorraine, i wrote a post for you guys a couple of weeks ago that talked about not falling off the elliptical
